Friday, November 7, 2008

Elections and stuff

Hey everyone, or small amount of people. As you know on November 4th, 2008 we elected a new President of The United States of America. I did not vote for Obama and I do not believe he was the correct choice, however I do believe that we as a Country need to believe in his efforts. We have a failing system right now and if we give up all hope on him we could be in even worse trouble. And/or if we don't pay attention to what he is doing things could go on that could be bad considering his Liberal stance. But I was upset to the point of crying but I am okay now. Another big thing that happend that day was the passing of Proposition 8 in California. Wow big step but now we as LDS and or any other faith have to stand gaurd and be strong and have faith in the Lord that everything will be okay. Now don't misunderstand my intentions and great enjoyment that Prop 8 passed. I love gay people and I believe it's their choice to be who they want as long as it doesn't effect my rights either. In a "domestic parternership" which is granted in California, all gay couples have the same rights as Married or same sex couples, except the term Marriage. If prop 8 got a no vote then California would have the right to call gay couples Married. I do not think that sounds bad, but then i discovered that schools would be required to read stories such as The King and King which involves a King marring a King. Parents would not get advancements on when this material would be discussed and would be a requirement for students. Not only would it effect our school system it would also affect Religous rights in my opinion. Churches such as LDS and Catholics would be forced to marry people of the same sex even though it contradicts with our beliefs. (that takes aways my religous rights) Also organizations such as Religous Adoption agencies would be force to close their door if they refuse to give a child to same sex couples. So many children would not find homes. Although I think same sex couples have the right to raise a child, I do not think that a Religous ran Adoption Agency should be forced to give same sex couples a child. It effect our right to believe what we want to believe. Our Country was founded on Freedom of Religion, we can't take that away now because the minority says we should. These are just my thoughts from what I know. Feel free in a non argumentive way,(if possible), to express your thoughts on this or provide me with more information that I do not know. Thank you!

1 comment:

Marianna said...

WOW that is all I can really say!!!